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Fire & Smoke Damper Certification

Fire and smoke dampers are critical components of the life safety system. Fire marshals, inspectors, building owners, insurance underwriters and fire codes require periodic documented inspections as minimal proof that the HVAC life safety system will function properly when needed. Abatement Restoration Specialists is fully trained to provide a comprehensive fire and smoke damper inspection.


E-cube demo training available. Recommended for: Real Estate Directors, Building Owners & Managers, Facility Managers, Service Technicians, and Risk Managers

Fire and Smoke Damper Inspections include:
  • Identification and mapping locations of all damper assemblies on facility mechanical blueprints and documentation of a master record
  • Manual inspection and testing of all dampers, adding duct panels where necessary
  • Identification of any damaged damper assemblies
  • Removal and resetting of fusible links
  • Cleaning, lubrication and servicing of all dampers
  • Ensuring that no dampers are left permanently wired in an open position
  • Provide of a final report with photo documentation, demonstrating cleaned dampers with fusible links reinstalled
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