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Industrial Cleaning

Often during the manufacturing process contaminants like by-products, debris, soot or residuals are left behind or built up. Over time, these waste products can create significant issues within a manufacturing facility:

  • Contamination of the Final Product
  • Increased Fire Hazard
  • Violation of OSHA’s Combustible Dust Standard


Abatement Restoration has successfully completed numerous cleaning projects above and around manufacturing areas that house multi-million dollar machinery, when other companies have failed. We provide experience and expertise that can be the difference for a successful project during a critical time of a company’s shut down.


One of the first things an OSHA inspector evaluates during their inspection is housekeeping, for instance, the inspector will take notice if a high percentage of surfaces are covered with combustible dust. The industry standard for dust is 1/32 of an inch, we partner with manufacturers to ensure their facilities are compliant with OSHA standards and other regulatory agencies.


A clean work environment contributes to the operational efficiency of the machinery and electronic equipment as well as the final quality of the product. Employees benefit from a safe and healthier work environment when by-products, debris, soot and other residuals are removed from the workplace.


We are experts in completing large projects during short plant shut downs!


Industries we serve:

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Tire Manufacturing
  • Agricultural
  • Food Processing & Manufacturing
  • Waste Management
  • Textile
  • Electronic Components Manufacturing
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